There's no doubt that we are living in tumultuous times; times of great upheaval, challenge, and change. There has been much talk lately regarding the pressures everyone is feeling, and not just the normal pressures of life; although, those are more intense for many people as well. I’m talking about an intensification on very personal levels. We see this reflected to us in the lives of those around us. It seems as if we are being squeezed, no longer allowed to hide from the influx of energies that have hit our world. We're all experiencing something, but what it is, exactly, we're not quite sure, so we question, and our minds run amuck, setting into motion potentially more of what we don’t actually want. It feels as if we are being forced to deal with our individual soul issues - whether we like it or not. We can choose, as we always have a choice. God granted us free will; however, for those that choose not to “deal,” I believe the journey will be much more difficult - and by the way, that’s still a choice, as the band, Rush, stated in their song, “Freewill.”
This is happening for people, not in one or two areas of their lives, but in many areas: financial, physical, mental, spiritual, and/or relational. It's like a buffet of messiness for us to wander through, all culminating into one huge emotional dumping ground in which we have to recognize, accept, process, and release whatever it is to which we've continued to cling, sometimes for many years, or perhaps an entire lifetime. We all have our junk, so don’t feel unique in this. None of us are perfect, or exempt; we weren’t created that way. We’re not supposed to go it alone. We were created as children of God. It’s our job to recognize (and work in relationship with) God throughout our lives. Could that Creative Force move across the world and solve everything in an instant? Of course (Omniscient Creator), BUT … God didn’t mess it up; we did, so it’s ours to fix, like it or not. Thankfully, we don’t have to go it alone. God didn’t abandon us. One cannot separate from what one truly is, but many have forgotten they are children of God. To be a child of God means we are fractal iterations of the Whole, and that concept brings out a multitude of emotions and perhaps, misgivings for some.
Currently, humanity is experiencing a plethora of emotions, many of them being “negative” in nature: frustration, anger, discouragement, sadness, grief, worry, doubt, hopelessness, and a feeling of being overwhelmed - all of them falling into the bigger category of fear. Fear?? Fear of what?!
Getting it “wrong”
Never-ending hoops through which we must jump - regulations (rules: laws)
Retribution (Punishment)
Isolation, Excommunication, Loss
Only one lifetime to get it “right”
Hell, Purgatory, Nothingness
Remember, the enemy (Satan and his minions) love it when we’re in a state of fear. Do your best to refrain from allowing the enemy that satisfaction and sustenance! Yes, sustenance. The enemy feeds off our fear; hence, the gigantic push to have everyone in that state of mind and emotional upheaval.
Concurrently, there is also hope and positive expectation, passion, love, appreciation, empowerment, moments of happiness, and yes, for many, great optimism and excitement! It can prove to be rather confusing at times, as it seems we are living the ultimate lessons of duality. People feel alone in this venture. I know because (at times) I feel the same way, even though I understand that I am not the only one, nor am I truly alone. That being the case, why do we feel alone, even though we’re not? Why does it seem as if the universe is picking on us, knowing every intimate detail of our shortcomings, fears and failures; then, exploiting them? Maybe it’s because we’ve forgotten who and what we truly are. Many humans have forgotten (or don’t believe) we’re children of God. Perhaps this is all happening to push us towards being more connected, not only with God, but also with one another. We’re called to be honest, to open up, and to share what's happening in our lives, with people that we trust; people who care. If we aren’t open and honest, how will we ever recognize that others may be experiencing similar things, or perhaps, need help as much as we do - or more?! How many hours do we actually spend talking with God, listening for Holy Spirit, and asking for protection and guidance from same? Does that sound strange? Uncomfortable? It really shouldn’t. How else does one cultivate a relationship? If we want to have a relationship with God, or anyone else for that matter, we have to invest the time.
I’ve had many conversations with people in which they reveal to me questions of what's happening in the world today. Perhaps we feel alone because of the personal nature of the processing, even though many people are experiencing similar situations. It seems, on some levels, as if it's customized for each person, and in one sense, it is. Each soul's journey is unique (back to free will), so it can seem as if “I’m the only one"; however, if we reach out and communicate with others, I believe we’ll discover that our lives are like a Venn Diagram, with many overlapping areas of similarity; so similar, in fact, that it may surprise us to learn that we’re not as extraordinary as we think - or alone.
What lies within us is always there, acknowledged or not, and as energy moves, it passes, not only through what exists in our consciousness, but also through what we "think" is tucked away, unknown - buried in our unconscious minds or hearts - but here’s the deal regarding the unconscious - it doesn’t know the difference between what we consider reality and non reality. It experiences whatever comes to it, and the body responds accordingly, putting out chemicals that correspond to what the unconscious is receiving - good or bad. Don’t believe me? Watch, look at, read, listen to, or do something that generates happiness, joy or love within you. How does your day go? What's your attitude like? How do you treat yourself and others in that state of happiness and joy? In contrast, watch, listen to, read or look at something that is traumatic; something that generates anything negative. TV is a great example (crime dramas, horror shows, negative imagery, MSM news, etc). Observe how your body, psyche and attitude respond. I’ve done it. It’s amazingly revealing. Years ago, my son liked watching a particular crime drama. I felt it necessary to watch it, making sure it was an ok show for him. It was not. I recognized how my heart, mind and attitude were being affected by what I was watching. Fifteen years later, when I think of that episode, I still wish I’d never seen it, let alone wishing my son had never seen it! It was truly traumatizing. The affect of that show has remained with me all these years, and every time it creeps into my consciousness, I am traumatized all over again, with chemical responses flooding my system. It takes great discipline, and conscious effort, to replace those experiences with something better. The more you practice conscious selection, the more you'll realize the positive or negative affects of such things. It's time to know ourselves in a different, and more productive, way.
The good thing is, God already sees and knows it all. He already knows and understands what lies within us. We’re the ones that need to drop the illusion of separation, and “get real” with God. Talk with Jeshua as if you’re having a cup of coffee or tea together; perhaps a nice glass of wine. Ask Holy Spirit to guard and guide your thoughts. What's good about this is, not only does what we call negativity come through, but so, too, does the positive that we have within us! It allows for us to see, more than it allows God to see. We are being called to task. We are being called to deal with our internal "stuff". Move out the bad and make room for what’s good! When you’re squeezed, so to speak, what comes out? Is it the love and goodness (Godliness) that you are, or is it other?
If we look at the macrocosm, which for now, we'll limit to Earth, we can see the overall strength in particular thought patterns and emotions, based on mass beliefs and the mass consciousness. The dance continues between what we perceive as good and bad. There is crime, oppression, hatred, and warring (fear), but there is also unity, trust, compassion, joy, charity, and those who seek peace (love). This has always been, and much to many people's beliefs, this will likely always be. Does it have to be? I don’t know. It is the great play of duality that we believe we exist within, as with the yin and the yang, a constant striving for balance between two energies, with a bit of one always in the other.
Now, you may be thinking that's all well and good, but what about the specifics of your life; your personal stuff? What are you to do with that? Let's consider individual lives. Your life is a microcosm. As a collective, it is theorized that we are moving through a great awakening of consciousness, but to make that happen, on a personal level, each one of us has to deal with our personal issues, whatever they may be. We change the world by changing ourselves first. It truly does have to happen on that level, before going any further. We learn and grow, and as we do, we share with others, often one or two humans at a time. That's how it happens, people - one person at a time, one conversation at a time, one moment at a time. Like the prophets and disciples of old, we have to do as they did; as Jeshua did. Move in and among the people, helping when and where we’re able. They didn’t gather in large or opulent buildings. They didn’t wear fancy attire or stay in one place for long. They didn’t obsess over things that don’t really matter. They set out on the task for which Jeshua had tapped them - educating the people about reestablishing a relationship with God.
Issues are being brought to the surface over and over again, as opportunities for us to practice our recognition, acceptance, processing, and releasing. Can we be like the Holy Spirit, with a bigger perspective, as we maneuver the currents of our surroundings? If we can recognize our separation (sin), come to terms with it, and be sorry for it - and I mean truly repentant, not just, “Oh, I’m sorry,” but moving forward with the same ol’ things - then perhaps progress can, and will, be made. Ultimately, we need to realize that the duality system is just our belief. It’s not actually how things are, in the bigger scheme of things. That's a bill-of-goods we’ve been sold, over generations of time, to keep us locked in a particular mindset; a particular belief system, generating and maintaining a frequency of conflict and separation. Love is real, and God is Love; not the romantic, messed up, conditional love of humans, but an unconditional Love that surpasses our limited understandings, and God loves us more than we can possibly understand.
I am asking you, as a necessary component to success for all of us, to rise above the noise, and be still with God. Listen. Pray, and then listen and pray some more. Our future, and how that manifests, depends on it.
“Be still, and know that I am God…”
Psalm 46:10